Assessment is the first step to discovering learning ability.
As a Specialist Teacher, I am professionally qualified to assess, diagnose, report and advise on all aspects of Dyslexia, Literacy and Numeracy difficulties and Sp LDs.
If you proceed with an assessment , the testing will inform you of the level at which your child is performing and will help you to understand the obstacles in the way of progress.
If you have already had another assessment , I am able to read and understand the results and proceed with teaching without further assessment (if done > 1.5 yrs ago , some further testing will be necessary)
Dyslexia presents differently for everybody whether children or adults. Sometimes it is not possible to diagnose Dyslexia clearly.
A full Diagnostic Assessment includes a range of tests.
Before proceeding, there is a questionnaire to provide background information.
There are:
✓ Attainment tests for Reading, Writing , Spelling, Numeracy which will show “the gap”
✓ Cognitive processing Tests for phonological/phonemic awareness and speed of processing which will show ability levels
✓Cognitive tests to determine General Ability unless this has already been done
✓Dominance Tests for eye/hand/foot
✓Handwriting Skills Tests for legibility, grip, speed
After the process which can take 1.5-3hrs depending on what is
required, I will prepare , in “jargon free” language