- 1-1 Teaching KS1 and KS2
KS1 £35 ph
Half Termly
KS2 £40
ph Half Termly
£60 px
1.5 h lessons
11+ preparation £45 ph
- 1-1 Teaching KS3 and KS4
ph Half Termly
1-1 Teaching GCSE Year
£50 ph
Half Termly
£70/£75 px1.5ph lessons
- Basic Baseline Assessment
No written report….£150
With written report….£190
(1hr + testing /30 mins telephone summary)
- Full Assessment
and Written Report ….£400
(2-3 hrs Testing + 1hr meeting to discuss report )
- To provide strategies based on findings/direction for home intervention
- To Discuss/Assess.
KS1 and
KS2 …..£45 ph
- To Discuss/Assess.
KS3 and 4 …..£60 ph
- Annual. to discuss progress and plan for next stage…..£40 ph
Guidance for
Help-at-Home or Home-schooling ideas
- 1-1 £50 ph
- 2-4 in a group £25 each ph
- 5-8 (max) in a group £20 each ph